• Financial Struggles and Wins in 2020

    We had several financial struggles and wins in 2020, which was a rough year in several respects. The pandemic hit in January, and many of us were economically impacted by all of the subsequent lockdowns and restrictions.

  • Free and Low Cost Fall Activities

    Free and Low-Cost Fall Activities

    Even though we are still in the middle of our Save in September Challenge, we can still have fun and enjoy the Fall season with some free and low-cost Fall activities.

  • 5 ways to save money on baby gear

    5 Ways to Save Money on Baby Gear

    We’ve been able to really dig deep, look around and find some ways to save money on baby gear to help save us money on our baby boy, who is coming in three very short months!

  • save in september challenge

    Save More in 20 Days

    Spend less and save more in 20 days with these exclusive frugal tips delivered daily to your email inbox. Join me on this challenge and save!

  • 12 Month Debt-Free Journey Update

    12 Month Debt-Free Journey Update

    Our first 12 months of our debt-free journey have been more about security and laying down a firm financial foundation so that we can be set up for whatever comes our way.

  • pausing our debt free journey

    Why We’re Pausing our Debt-Free Journey

    What people don’t really talk about when they discuss paying off debt with “gazelle intensity”, is that your life basically needs to be put on hold for the years that it takes to get to that point. This is easier…

  • 5 Ways to Never Pay Full Price

    Times are tough and money is tight, so I have come up with a list of 5 concrete ways to never pay full price for anything, ever!

  • Six Month Debt Journey Update

    Mark and I our on our debt-free journey! If you missed the last couple of articles, we have over $100,000 in student loan debt between the two of us, not including a mortgage that we want to get paid off…


    3 Month Debt-Free Journey Update

    Three months ago, Mark and I made the decision to start our debt-free journey in earnest. It was the best decision we have ever made.